Now that springtime is with us and the snow has finally disappeared, I didn't have long to wait. Last week, we were walking down the path leading to the house and suddenly, right there: a beautiful purple posy! Or tulip, or something like that. I'm not really good at identifying those things. Sprouting up bravely through a clutch of dirt and grass. The first sign of the season. It was glorious! No, really. It made me happy to be alive.
The following morning, I woke up, determined to take a photo for Facebook, to share that purple posy with the world. I grabbed my smart phone, scurried downstairs, opened the door, looked outside...
And realized that some dumb deer had eaten up all of our fledgling flowers.
Dammit! Well, we knew that they were a problem. A lot of our leaves had been consumed during the winter, and one or two times, when we had woken up at a particularly ungodly hour, we were able to catch a glimpse. And I don't mind an occasional leaf or two, I'm perfectly happy to share those with Bambi, but eating our flowers? Well, that was beyond the pale. SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE.
Quick as a wink, Corb did some research. "It says here that deer do not like certain smells, like the smell of decaying fish heads," he said.
Oh, great! I just can't wait to drive down to the local fish stand and pick up a bucket of fish heads. That should look really attractive on our front lawn. A bunch of smelly dead fish next to the pansies, with their dead unblinking eyes staring up at you as you walk by. Nice.
"My hairdresser said they don't like human hair, and it can be used as a deterrent. People would collect hair from her shop for that use. You should do that," suggested a friend.
Great idea. Next to our floppy fish heads, I can sprinkle a bunch of human hair. Maybe from the top of someone's head, but who knows? Maybe I will mix it up and throw in some pubic hair, every so often.
"Remember Doc Hollywood? Human urine does the trick," suggested another friend.
Even better! Every morning, as I wake up, instead of heading to the bathroom, I can walk downstairs, open the door, and taking my morning wizz on the porch, making sure to urinate over the dead fish heads and human hair that I've collected from a variety of body parts. Those flowers should be in perfect blook with all that!
And then the one I was waiting for: "A shot through the heart works. And you can fill your fridge with lovely venison for stews and kebobs."
"Should I leave the dead deer rotting in the flower beds for a few days, as a warning to the others?" I asked.
"No," replied my deer friend Jackie. "Hanging the deer upside down and slitting its throat so the blood drains into the flower beds would be better, so plant flowers that need blood meal to grow better."
So, bottom line? This spring, if you want to visit my house, come on over! It's pretty easy to find, too: we're the only Victorian in town with flower beds covered in fish heads and human hair, with an upside down dead deer hanging down from a tree. Come by, say hi! You can always find me, and I'll be sure to wave back, promise! I'll be the one outside peeing over the flower beds.
That is...until the cops take me away...
There is an old belief that burning the deer carcass will keep deer away for about 10 years, or maybe it's 7 years, but it's years.
ReplyDeleteHuman urine just lets a deer that is used to being shot at in the autumn know that there are humans around. You'd be amazed how many deer hunters are peeing from their stands up in the trees. Sitting up there in their newly descented clothes washed in special detergent. Their bodies are washed with special soaps to eliminate all unwanted and obtrusive scents as well, but they will still take a whiz from their deer stands. A bladder can only hold so much. Of course that defeats the whole point of washing clothes and body in soaps and powders that eliminate human scents.
I think I might get in a bit of trouble should I decide to burn a deer carcass in my front yard, what with the post office right across the street. But it might make local headlines, which might be good for the book :)
DeleteI could never be a hunter. Way too much work.
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